Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Nectarine Experiment Concludes

Day 15:

It's been fifteen days since I started the nectarine experiment and to be honest, I expected more dramatic results.  As you can see from the picture, they are both decomposing significantly, although half B is more shriveled.  Also, something that could only be gleaned from viewing them in person is that half B has a high concentration of fruit flies congregating on it, whereas, half A has virtually none.

Two things I must point out:

1.  After starting the experiment, I discovered that the pyramid must be facing the north star Polaris, which is slightly off true North read on a compass. 

2.  I had the angle slightly wrong and had to cut the top inch and 3/8 off the top of the pyramid and re-glue the apex.

Both these revelations occurred on day 6.  I will start a new fruit experiment with my corrections, and will use an apple,  but will do it in one post 15 days from now.  In the meantime,  stay tuned to see how a seed grows inside a pyramid!  I'm thinking beans, since they grow fastest...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Pyramid Power: Magic or Science?

In recent years, Pyramidology has experienced a resurgence in popularity.  The pyramid shape itself is being seen as a supernatural source of power or energy.  The pyramid power has become the primary focus of everything from veterinarian concerns to extraterrestrial messages!
 It's hard to believe that what has been alleged to have happened inside a pyramid has actually happened, unless you've been there to see it (which is why I'm conducting my own experiments!).  I can see why when people see the word "supernatural", they lose a bit of faith in the idea, but what the pyramid does is it put things back the way they are supposed to be, on an elemental level.  In other words, it makes things more perfect.  The one frequency that is common with all elements is the carrier wave.  The vector angle of energy formed by the carrier wave frequency is 52.606º.  This is why we can build a pyramid out of any material and it will work, as long as the angle is observed correctly!  The elements in the material used for the pyramid actually start to oscillate! So there's a little science for the skeptics!

The Nectarine

The first experiment I have chosen to put to the test is the fruit experiment.  What will happen to each half of the same piece of fruit, one in a pyramid structure, one outside the structure.  It is said that the fruit in the pyramid will stay fresh 2-3 times longer!  Keep in mind, the structure is simply made up of 8 sticks of equal length and both halves are exposed to the open air.
For this experiment, I have selected a nectarine...

Day 1.  As you can see, the two halves have been placed outside on my balcony and both are exposed to open air.  To make things simpler, I will refer to the half in the pyramid as "half A" and the one outside the pyramid as "half B"


Day 2.  There is slight browning starting to happen on both halves...

Day 3.  I'm starting to get skeptical, as they are both browning at an almost identical rate (although it's still too early to tell...)

Day 4.  This is exciting! Clearly, the edges of half B  are starting to curl, whereas, the edges of half A are not!

Day 5.  By looking carefully at half B, you can see the beginnings of mold.  The edges of half A are starting to curl, but not to the degree that those of half B were, even yesterday!